One Step Forward, Inc.
869 Hunts Lane
Bowling Green, KY 42103

(270) 792-5300
(270) 721-0004 FAX

One Step Forward Inc. helps others help themselves one step at a time!

One Step Forward is currently involved in helping abandoned horses in eastern Kentucky, click here to find out more about this initiative and to see how you can help!

2015 KY Legislation has lowered the amount of hold time for
horses to 15 days.

One Step Forward's purpose and goal is to assist individuals, communities, counties and organizations in educating, promoting and encouraging tourism and economic development.

One Step Forward Inc. engages in the following activities to achieve its goals:

  • Organizes and coordinates efforts and activities of local coalitions and organizations engaged in heritage tourism, agriculture tourism, eco tourism, education and historic preservation activities.
  • Applies for, receives and disburses funding from public and private sources to accomplish the goal of the organization;
  • Assists organizations, groups and individuals in applying for and writing grants which will augment the Corporation in its purpose;
  • Encourages the development of trails and geographic areas and educates the public of their presence through multiple media sources.
  • Establishes and operates ecological, cultural and heritage tourism education and welcome centers;
  • Encourages and promotes development of ecological, heritage and cultural tourism sites and properties;
  • Plans, develops and distributes educational and promotional materials through a variety of media to the public about sites, trails, and history
Contact us today to see how we might help you!